ID True

About Us

ID True's public record search services were designed to give users peace of mind with the most up-to-date information available. We aggregate millions of public records across federal, state, county, city, and local databases, instantly delivering information to you through our easy-to-use, web-based and mobile friendly service.

We pride ourselves on offering the most accurate public record search information at the most affordable price. Each ID true customer has access to unlimited reports any time you need them, so you can always feel safe and secure, no matter who you are trying to locate.

A background check from ID True has all the important details you need to build trust with those you interact with. It allows you to see the most accurate information regarding your own identity as well.

Our service includes:

Full Access

Unlimited number of background check reports, including criminal arrest records, phone lookups, and more.

Secure & Anonymous Searches

A secure member portal, where your searches are private and protected

24/7 Support

Convenient toll-free with live customer support available 24/7

Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind our service and guarantee you will be happy with the ID True search service

Why ID True for Background Checks?

Feelings of uncertainty can cause unnecessary stress and strife. Not knowing complete details of those you meet or are about to enter into a relationship with can put your safety at risk. Inaccurate public information about your own identity can be debilitating in many aspects of your life. Don't leave things to chance. Unlimited public record search access from ID True means you are always just a quick and easy search away from learning the information you need in order to feel confident and secure.

Search People and Records On-the-Go

We know you may want to search someone when you are away from a desktop computer, which is why our instant web portal delivers background check details to you on any device, in an easy-to-read interface.

Just type in a first name, last name, and state, and ID True services comb through every public search record database to provide you with the most comprehensive background check available, any time, whether you’re at your computer or outside of the house.

Start Feeling Safe Now

We want you to feel completely satisfied with our public search record services, which is why our friendly and dedicated support team is here to help when you need it. Get support and any questions you have answered by calling our customer service staff toll-free anytime, at 1-800-443-2205.

Don't leave your safety, security, or identity to chance. Search ID True public record search now, and get the assurance you need exactly when you need it.